Helping to rebuild after the storm
With climate change, abnormal weather events are becoming more frequent and intense. Faced with these large-scale challenges, Stelliant Expertise is committed to providing technical, operational and human support to individuals who are victims of this type of disaster. Our experts in natural disasters and our teams dedicated to Large Scale…
With climate change, abnormal weather events are becoming more frequent and intense. Faced with these large-scale challenges, Stelliant Expertise is committed to providing technical, operational and human support to individuals who are victims of this type of disaster. Our experts in natural disasters and our teams dedicated to Large Scale Events (LSE) rely on agile management methods and innovative tools for a quick and lasting resolution of the case.
Weather damage: high-stakes claims
Because it is difficult to predict and control in spite of technological advances, weather damage results in large-scale losses. It may be officially declared a natural disaster, or “a damaging natural phenomenon of abnormal intensity”.
With storms, hail, snow (weight on roofs, avalanches), earthquakes, floods, draughts, mudslides after excessive rainfall, etc., there can be substantial damage for individual victims, whether in terms of material losses, financial costs or on a psychological level.
These natural phenomena often cause significant material damage, but they can sometimes cause human losses as well.
When working on these sensitive, and even dramatic, situations, Stelliant Loss Adjusting demonstrates psychological aptitude, compassion and responsiveness. An essential combination of skills with a single objective shared by all of our natural disaster loss adjusters: offer compassionate support and an effective response as quickly as possible.
Large scale mobilisation to fit the challenge

Whether the weather event is declared a natural disaster by prefectural order or not, Stelliant Loss Adjusting mobilises all of its human resources, both administrative staff and loss adjusters, throughout all of France with some forty locations.
Our teams form a crisis cell and take the right steps for the severity of each situation, 7 days a week. Dedicated managers direct each case efficiently, assigning the right loss adjusters to the right place. With this organisation, it is able to respond to a high volume of claims when many individuals are impacted, in a town for example.
In these very urgent situations, our natural disaster loss adjusters do whatever it takes to respond quickly. Even before setting foot on site, they sometimes use video loss adjusting. This is a valuable technological tool to assess the scope of damage, access inaccessible areas and quickly recommend the first provisional measures for implementation. They then do an on-site loss adjustment to calculate the precise amount of damage and determine the best solution for compensation.
We work in project mode when needed, assigning different qualified loss adjusters for each specific component of the event and the damage it caused (construction, fine art, etc.).
Assistance from scratch by a natural disaster expert
With 30 years of experience in claims management, Stelliant’s mission does not stop at the expertise. Thanks to all the Group’s activities, we are present from the moment the claim is declared until it is resolved. Throughout the processing of the file, our natural disaster experts accompany the private individual or professional by listening to them and explaining the decisions taken in accordance with the insurance cover. A proximity and a sense of service that goes as far as assigning a trusted professional to coordinate an intervention of repair in kind with the help of our dedicated teams. This is the commitment of the Stelliant group, resolutely human.
key figures
of experience
handled over 3 years
crisis unit
available 7 days a week