The automotive sector faces new risks
The automotive sector is a formidable economic fabric, made up of a network of diverse and interconnected activities. From car manufacturing to maintenance, the sector brings together professions that are as different as they are complementary. In a context where the upheavals caused by digital technology are combined with environmental…
The automotive sector is a formidable economic fabric, made up of a network of diverse and interconnected activities. From car manufacturing to maintenance, the sector brings together professions that are as different as they are complementary. In a context where the upheavals caused by digital technology are combined with environmental issues, the new automotive technologies are at the centre of all attention. Unpredictable technical developments are synonymous with increased risks. This complexity highlights the relative fragility of this giant with feet of clay, of which Stelliant Expertise's loss adjusters have a perfect technical command.
A highly exposed sector

The automotive sector brings together a multitude of companies with varied know-how:
- Car manufacturers, but also manufacturers of heavy goods vehicles, public transport vehicles, etc.
- Equipment manufacturers and suppliers to the automotive industry: mechanics, plastics, foundries, etc.
- Automotive distributors and service providers: garages, dealerships, repairs, maintenance, etc.
This results in a multitude of risks. Vehicle malfunction, breakdown, fire… Whatever the nature of the loss and the amount at stake, professionals are exposed to a significant risk due to the services they provide and the obligations that result from them. Whether through a sales contract or a company contract, it is essential to be able to rely on a team of qualified, state-qualified and, of course, reactive loss adjusters.
Motor claims: combining technicality and optimised processing
As soon as a loss occurs in the automotive sector, Stelliant Loss Adjusting mobilises its best automotive experts, combining two key areas of expertise in its team:
- Civil liability loss adjusters who can deeply analyse the contractual relationship, applicable liability laws, and guarantees.
- High-level technicians who specialise in the automotive sector and have solid experience in its ecosystem.
Stelliant Loss Adjusting has a team of 20 automotive loss adjusters who can assist with all types of losses and vehicles: passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles, farming equipment, etc.