Personal liability: our loss adjusting to reach a solution that works for everyone

In the personal sphere, no one is immune from accidentally causing damage to a third party. You accidentally break a vase while visiting a friend, your child throws a ball that breaks a neighbour’s window, a dog bites a passer-by while the owner isn’t paying attention, and more... when any…

In the personal sphere, no one is immune from accidentally causing damage to a third party. You accidentally break a vase while visiting a friend, your child throws a ball that breaks a neighbour’s window, a dog bites a passer-by while the owner isn’t paying attention, and more... when any such situation happens, the person who caused the damage can be held civilly liable, and can be legally obligated to repair the damage caused to the other party. Stelliant Loss Adjusting assigns a personal liability expert for these special assignments, to work on behalf of insurance professionals. Their legal experience, insurance expertise and interpersonal skills all make them well-equipped to handle these types of disputes. Our commitment is simple: quickly come to an agreement between all parties involved.

En savoir plus

Personal liability: insurance for damage caused to third parties

Often included in a multi-risk home insurance contract, personal liability insurance for the party held liable covers only material or bodily damage caused involuntarily by their own fault, negligence or recklessness. But it covers a very broad scope.
It can include injury caused by:

  • Minor or dependent children 
  • Household employees (housekeeper, babysitter, etc.)
  • Pets or animals in care
  • Objects that the policyholder owns, is borrowing or renting
  • The policyholder’s home (inadequate maintenance) if they are a homeowner

In all of these situations, the French Civil Code obliges the person who caused the damage to repair it. 

Once it is appointed by the insurer, Stelliant Loss Adjusting’s mission is to rapidly figure out the compensation (sum, in-kind repair, etc.) that is acceptable for both the victim and the policyholder.

Stelliant Loss Adjusting: dedicated personal liability experts

At Stelliant Loss Adjusting, personal liability cases are handled by an expert in high-frequency cases, who is also a specialist in the issue at hand.
Our dedicated loss adjusters have advanced legal training, giving them a perfect grasp of all the nuances of the French Civil Code. With their experience working on hundreds of disputes, they put their personal liability loss adjusting skills and insurance expertise to work for individuals.
They complete a painstaking analysis of the facts and the specific clauses of the insurance contract to come to a consensus among all parties concerned as quickly as possible. 

In this type of case, the policyholder’s statement generally matches the third party’s statement. But in some cases, the situation can be more conflictual (problems between neighbours, for example). The challenge for the Stelliant Loss Adjusting expert: untangle the situation to resolve the dispute amicably. Listening and teaching skills are necessary for our specialists, who can find themselves acting as mediators. 

An agile response: settling the dispute as efficiently as possible

For these frequent, usually low-stakes, cases, all those involved share a single goal: to settle the dispute as quickly as possible, under the best possible conditions. 

To meet this need for responsiveness, Stelliant Loss Adjusting has developed an agile insurance service offering. We do what it takes to accomplish this mission, including: 

  • Prioritising the use of different technologies like remote loss adjusting or video loss adjusting to respond faster and work more efficiently. 
  • Optimising management of each case, with dedicated processes and an administrative team to facilitate the loss adjusters’ work. 
  • Taking a customised approach to each unique case. If the dispute is complex and requires investigations, our personal liability specialists will do a loss adjustment. If it is simple, however, we will step in for the insurer by offering them third-party administration services. The Stelliant Loss Adjusting team, often appointed by the insurer, examines the situation and then offers third parties a compensation amount determined by private agreement. 

Customer service is a core value for Stelliant Loss Adjusting. Our teams of loss adjusters and administrators put this value into practice every day for insurers and their clients.

keys facts

knowledge of insurance clauses
inside the company
of experience