Damage survey of a gas engine explosion

A grower of rare roses invested in a cogeneration unit to meet the energy needs of his greenhouses. The gas engine exploded a few days after its periodic maintenance.


The destroyed unit supplied electricity and reheated the domestic water supply. The installer took care of the maintenance. Following the explosion, the rose grower’s business came to a halt.  

Was there a causal link between the maintenance and the gas engine’s explosion? What were the circumstances of the incident? What was the exact figure for damages? Was any redress possible? Stelliant Loss Adjusting was assigned by the grower’s insurance company to find answers to those questions. 

How Stelliant proceeded

The evidence pointed to a broken bearing on the pressurised pump in the gas engine’s cooling circuit. This raised several questions for Stelliant’s loss adjuster. How old was the bearing? Should it have been changed earlier but never was? Who was responsible for not complying with the maintenance schedule? 

The conclusions of the loss adjuster pointed to a sharing of liability between the installer and the policyholder, resulting in an amicable settlement. The policyholder should have ensured the worn part was changed by the date set out by the manufacturer. But during the maintenance, the technician should have noted the obvious wear of the bearing. 

To fully complete our assignment, a financial loss adjuster calculated the financial losses (operational losses) due to the breakdown of the machinery. 

Thanks to the responsive nature of Stelliant’s loss adjusters and the payout for material damage, operational losses and other ancillary costs, the policyholder could quickly recommence his business.

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