Weather-watching to insure an open-air concert

A few hours before the closing show at an open-air music event, the organisers thought they would have to cancel the concert following strong, gusting winds. Watching the weather appeared as the only possible alternative.


The stage structure could withstand windspeeds of up to 72 km/h. In light of the evening’s bad forecast, the organisers contacted their insurer just two hours before the concert was due to start. 

The insurer immediately called in Stelliant Loss Adjusting, who was able to respond thanks to its proactive network spanning all of France. The specialist events loss adjuster was on-site in less than an hour to provide consulting services. 

How Stelliant proceeded

As soon as they arrived, the Stelliant loss adjuster assessed the risks with regard to the situation. To do so, they carried out practical observations. They checked the data from the speedometer installed on the stage roof: its readings indicated an average wind of around 40 km/h, with gusts of over 60 km/h. They also examined all of the technical documentation for the stage equipment, to understand the manufacturer’s specific recommendations in terms of wind resistance. Lastly, they visually inspected the mechanical fixtures to make sure that all of the equipment was securely attached.  

Following these estimations, and working with the broker who was also in attendance, they estimated the conditions that would endanger the audience and the performers. It was still too soon to cancel the concert. They advised the organisers to go ahead with the concert, while promising to carry out hourly weather checks throughout the entire concert, in partnership with a reliable weather forecaster.  

Very strong winds bring with them multiple risks. Stage equipment attached to tubular crossbeams can fall. Artists can lose balance on stage, causing an accidental fall that could lead to injury. Marquee tents can blow away… Aware of the wide range of potential incidents, the Stelliant loss adjusters took all necessary precautions ahead of time:  

  • The public entrance was moved so that people were not walking beneath the welcome screens. 
  • The LED screens at the back of the stage remained down, advertising umbrellas were closed, and some walls were lowered to limit the things that the wind could catch. 

The concert ultimately went ahead at the scheduled time. The musical event passe without incident, despite the constant heavy winds. 

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