Automotive, transport and mobility, a know-how in motion

Transport claims - automotive, rail, marine, air or cable - are complex to manage, because their operations consist of multiple steps. The loss adjuster’s role is to identify these steps and determine at which point the incident causing the claim occurred.

Transport claims - automotive, rail, marine, air or cable - are complex to manage, because their operations consist of multiple steps. The loss adjuster’s role is to identify these steps and determine at which point the incident causing the claim occurred.

Risk control for optimal claim management

Contrary to popular belief, most claims do not stem from driver error during transport, causing a road accident, for example. In fact, most of the risks lie in the various logistics steps, from packing to loading and securing of the goods through to unloading.

The goal of Stelliant Loss Adjusting? Understand transport claim management in its entirety, from a technical, insurance and legal perspective.

This blend of specific and complementary expertise is where Stelliant Loss Adjusting’s added value lies. With solid industry experience, Stelliant’s technical loss adjusters put their advanced knowledge (automotive, mechanical, accidents, etc.) to work in order to understand every situation and guide insurers and their customers through the management of their claim.

With insurance expertise in Damages and Public Liability, the Stelliant Loss Adjusting team dedicated to transport risks includes about 30 loss adjusters specialising in the following types:

  • transport and logistics loss adjusting
  • automotive loss adjusting
  • marine loss adjusting
  • rail loss adjusting
  • lifting loss adjusting

Stelliant Loss Adjusting is a constellation of loss adjusters mobilised to offer customised support for each claim and solutions that are up to the challenge, whether large or small.

Responding to each claim with agility. Deploying the right solution to limit the impact. All the way through to delegated management and post-incident repairs when the case requires. That is the Stelliant commitment.

Knowledgeable automotive and mobility loss adjusters.

With solid experience from the field, Stelliant’s loss adjusters apply their specialized knowledge (automotive, mechanical, aeronautical, etc.) to guide insurers and their clients in managing their claims.

As a reference in Property and Civil Liability, Stelliant Expertise mobilizes about thirty loss adjusters specialized in many sectors:

  • transport and logistics
  • automotive
  • maritime
  • railway
  • lifting

Stelliant Loss Adjusting is a support adapted to each claim and solutions to meet the challenges, high or low. Intervene with agility for each disaster. Quickly implement protective measures to limit the impact of the damage. Formulate the most appropriate solution(s) for a successful resolution of the case, with respect for all stakeholders.  These are the commitments of the Stelliant group and its loss adjusters.

Automotive and transport



The aviation industry is facing ever more demanding regulatory requirements.…



Technological advances in the automotive sector are revolutionising this field…



The risks over the entire span of the rail network…



Marine transport by cargo ship is by far the most…


Transport and logistics

Transport and logistics claims can have considerable financial consequences amounting…