Manufacturing and consumer goods incidents: a job for loss adjusters

Increased competition, the race to innovate, price wars, globalisation, the multiplication of intermediaries... the risks are increasing and diversifying for all industrial sectors. The precautionary principle is increasingly applied and social networks pose significant risks in terms of image. BtoC manufacturers must therefore react quickly, particularly in the face of…

Increased competition, the race to innovate, price wars, globalisation, the multiplication of intermediaries... the risks are increasing and diversifying for all industrial sectors. The precautionary principle is increasingly applied and social networks pose significant risks in terms of image. BtoC manufacturers must therefore react quickly, particularly in the face of serial incidents. For BtoB manufacturers, a minor defect in a part integrated into a more complex system can have very serious financial consequences and compromise their commercial relations with their customers.

En savoir plus

Industry specialists

Despite the precautions taken by manufacturers, incidents can happen, with major consequences in terms of financial losses, brand image, reputation and environmental pollution.  With this in mind, Stelliant Loss Adjusting stands ready to respond in France and abroad to support professionals affected by all types of manufacturing incidents. Appointed by insurance professionals, our loss adjusters are experts in specialised fields (materials, chemistry, finance, etc.), and leverage the synergy of skills offered by the Stelliant Group as well as innovative logistics resources, from the in-house laboratory to 3D modelling, from drones to multi-tonne tracked vehicles. With this galaxy of technical, legal, insurance and material resources, Stelliant Loss Adjusting has what it takes to handle any manufacturing incident in terms of damage and civil liability quickly and thoroughly.

As specialists in product civil liability or civil liability after delivery, the teams at Stelliant TPA (Third-Party Administration) offer third-party administration services for recall campaigns in cases of serial claims. Services provided as quickly as possible, for the common good, from the producer to the distributor to, naturally, the consumer or customer.

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