Stelliant Loss Adjusting, the artwork and valuables loss adjusting specialist
Artwork, sculptures, paintings, jewellery, and more… corporate, museum and art gallery collections can take many forms. Often moved around or on display, they are not immune from accidental losses. In the case of an incident, fine art assets with high monetary and sentimental value require a quick response from a…
Artwork, sculptures, paintings, jewellery, and more… corporate, museum and art gallery collections can take many forms. Often moved around or on display, they are not immune from accidental losses. In the case of an incident, fine art assets with high monetary and sentimental value require a quick response from a specialist in artwork and valuables loss adjusting. The Stelliant Loss Adjusting teams have the technical skills, the operational capacity and the artistic sensitivity to respond urgently to this type of crisis situation.
Artwork subject to external hazards
The world of arts and culture encompasses a broad palette of fields: artwork, sculptures, paintings, designer furniture, etc. This artistic and cultural wealth is invaluable. Their owners are attached to these pieces and take great care of them, whether in galleries, museums or on professional and corporate property.
On display at corporate offices or on exhibit, they are particularly exposed to all kinds of incidents: theft, breakage, water damage, loss, fires, etc.
With an in-depth understanding of art in general, Stelliant’s loss adjusters mobilise to offer technical and human support to their customers in these difficult situations.
Expertise? An art form

All collectors and their insurers can count on Stelliant Loss Adjusting. Its teams of loss adjusters, specialising in artwork and valuables, are able to provide tailored responses based on their needs and their level of urgency.
At the client’s request, Stelliant’s loss adjusters get to work before an incident occurs to inventory the collection to determine the value of goods or update the inventory.
Stelliant Loss Adjusting is a broad network of experts who are ultra-specialised and certified to study, investigate and appraise damages across all Artwork & Valuables specialisations:
- Recent and antique artwork assessment
- Jewellery assessment
- Precious stones assessment
- Sculpture assessment
- Coin assessment
- Painting assessment
- Furniture assessment, etc.
When customers choose Stelliant Loss Adjusting, they know they are entrusting their artwork or valuables collection to a specialist for an assessment they can trust.
Post-incident artwork and valuables loss adjusting
When an incident occurs, loss adjustment can’t wait. That’s why rapid response is a priority.
Whatever the hazard that the artwork has been subject to, Stelliant Loss Adjusting’s response will be the same:
- Call on its best loss adjusters urgently to limit the impact on the damaged artwork as much as possible. They are proactive with suggestions for provisional measures, possible restoration, etc.
- Provide a technical assessment as part of an educational approach. Our loss adjusters understand the concerns of the policyholder affected. They establish a relationship of trust in order to explain the ins and outs of their work.
Stelliant Loss Adjusting and Fine Art: a balance of the technical and the educational

A leader in insurance services, Stelliant has the unique material and organisational resources to take a tailored approach to artwork and valuables claims. But Stelliant Loss Adjusting’s added value truly lies in the quality of its teams. Loss adjusters who are recognised experts in their fields and have genuine people skills. These men and women show sincere empathy. This synergy is critical when an incident occurs involving artwork, because the emotional loss is as significant as the monetary loss.
The strength of Stelliant Loss Adjusting lies in the qualifications of its artwork and valuables loss adjusters:
- Certification training and specific knowledge in various fields within the Fine Arts specialisation: gemmology, painting, artwork, jewellery, etc.
- Passion for art in general;
- Constant monitoring for new developments in their fields;
- Insurance skills in Damage and Public Liability;
- Ability to consider the emotional side of the claim without losing sight of the precision and objectivity they need to do their work.
Beyond loss adjusting, the Stelliant Group mobilises all of its resources to find post-incident solutions, particularly in terms of restoration. That’s agile management at work for its customers and their assets.
Key facts
of experience
partnership international
exclusive with Crawford