Agricultural loss adjusters: a vast field of skills
Agricultural work is subject to many risks, whether caused by weather, machines or animals. In 2019, no fewer than 20,000 claims and 74,000 work-related accidents were reported in this industry. When there is an agricultural claim, Stelliant Loss Adjusting works for professionals and their insurers to support and offer the…
Agricultural work is subject to many risks, whether caused by weather, machines or animals. In 2019, no fewer than 20,000 claims and 74,000 work-related accidents were reported in this industry. When there is an agricultural claim, Stelliant Loss Adjusting works for professionals and their insurers to support and offer the right solutions for their needs.
Agricultural work is subject to many risks, whether caused by weather, machines or animals. In 2019, no fewer than 20,000 claims and 74,000 work-related accidents were reported in this industry. [1] When there is an agricultural claim, Stelliant Loss Adjusting works for professionals and their insurers to support and offer the right solutions for their needs.
Agricultural risks: a wide variety of claims
Agriculture is, by nature, exposed to a wide range of hazards.
One of the most frequent risks: crop damage. This is most often caused by weather: flooding, episodes of draughts, storms, hail or heat waves.
All of these events can have severe consequences for crop yields, so they require special loss adjusting services, with a financial component to estimate operating losses. But beyond natural disasters, farm work (whether crop farming or livestock farming) is subject to a multitude of other hazards:
- Farm equipment, such as machinery for spreading, spraying or milking, can give rise to disputes between operators and suppliers: malfunctions, non-conformity, etc.
- Farm buildings and equipment can be damaged by things like fires.
- Farm machinery can be slow, outsized or overloaded, any of which can lead to accidents.
- Livestock feeding can also be a subject of dispute. The unpredictable behaviour of farm animals can also carry risks.
- Fermentation in wine vats, greenhouses and packing houses can cause carbon dioxide (CO2) poisoning.
- Fish farming also has its own special risks (water pollution, etc.).
This wide variety of claims, with stakes that can vary depending on the severity of the claim, call for an ultra-specialised response.
Our goal in every case: offer one or more customised solutions so that agricultural workers can get back to business as quickly as possible.
An agricultural loss adjuster in every field

When a risk turns into a loss, professionals and their insurers must be able to count on responsive, highly specialised loss adjusters. Stakes are high; steps must be taken urgently to minimise the consequences of the loss as much as possible.
Stelliant Loss Adjusting immediately mobilises the best agricultural experts for the job. With certification from French and international insurers, such as ISO 22000, the IFS Food Standard, the BRC and HACCP, these specialists know all the ins and outs of agriculture.
Crops, equipment and farm buildings, tractors and other machinery, etc… our agricultural loss adjusters are able to put an exact number on the damage incurred for all types of property (in the case of fire in a farm building, for example), but also on any business interruptions caused, working together with financial loss adjusters. Stelliant Loss Adjusting also comes ready with recommendations, as soon as it arrives on site, to take the right provisional measures and limit the impact of the loss on the farm’s operation.
Comprehensive support for agricultural claims
Agronomic engineers, specialists in transportation, construction or mechanics, etc… Stelliant Loss Adjusting brings together experts with high-level qualifications, ready to face any type of agricultural claim. When the most precise loss adjustments are needed, Stelliant Loss Adjusting is also able to bring together leading specialist advisors, in veterinary medicine, for example.
But our agricultural loss adjusters are also teachers. The men and women of Stelliant Loss Adjusting are as skilled in interpersonal relationships as they are in the technical aspects of their work. By establishing respectful, caring communication with all parties, we are able to resolve each claim.
For complex claims, the Stelliant Group also works to investigate the cause, through its subsidiary INQUEST. Its specialised laboratories are able to trace the source of a fire on a farm, or an accident involving farm machinery.
key figures
of experience
handled each year
dedicated team
specialized in agricultural risk